We gathered at Papakura BP State highway 1, about 20 hardy members, on a coolish morning – Saturday 11th May 2024. Sue handed out the maps, and we were ready to go!

The members who are rally drivers at heart, (there was one in our car) loved driving the hilly bendy road to Tairua, whilst some took it more sedately. We experienced crossing the new $43 m bridge, built on the Kopu-Hikuai Road, after a massive slip washed the old bridge away during cyclone Gabrielle.

It was a great drive especially on such a lovely sunny day. We passed my favourite tree on that road, tall and gnarled, looking out into the valley, with a metal band around it’s girth to defeat the climbing opossums.

The rustic Coroglen Tavern, which was first opened in 1946, was pretty quiet on the day we arrived. We ordered lunch, which was delivered very quickly.

We oldies grabbed the only table in the bar, leaving those high bar leaners for the younger lot. They avoided the tall tables and stools though, and sat outside in the sun. Group photo was taken, by our new keen club photographer.

Everyone had a plan of where they were going after lunch, so we soon dispersed.

Thanks to Sue for organizing the event. There is nothing more pleasing to Mercedes-Benz car owners than a damn good drive in the cars they love!!

Marianne Hobson

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