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May 2024

The year continues with Show & Shine with Gymkhana. Plus the Ladies Run and sunset run to Piha. Points for those who attended and organised these events.

Club Points:
Trevor Ninness 206, Pree Lecamwasam 164, Ken West 152, Arthur Iles 150, Mike Peters 144, Russell Clarke 130, Daryl Jeffery 120, Chris Haliday 112, Tim Wood 112, Brian Murphy 110, Lindsay Younger 110, Richard Foulkes 102, Debbie Scullin 92, Roy Hobson 90, Graeme Collie 88, David Winn 86, John Tate 70, Cornelius Boertjens 60, Rod Milner 60, Ken Williams 60, Steve Bailey 50, Rod Philson 50, Richard Catherall 40, Robert Donovan 40, Greg Lokes 40, Marcel Sanders 40, Keith Walsh 40, Ross Pengelly 36, Jack Chapman 30, Francios De Jager 30, Theunis Judeel 30, Ellen Sanders 30, Andrew Stewart 30, Karl Van de Water 30, Tienie Bekker 20, Harald Decker 20, Grant Hunter 20, Ron Studman 20, Noel Williams 20, Taner Basar 10, Garry Boyce 10, Steve Burrett 10, Colin Carran 10, Graham Colebrook 10, Iain Fletcher 10, Margo Fox 10, Kim Gallagher 10, Paul Marchant 10, Lloyd Marx 10, Spencer Matthews 10, Annabel Moodie 10, Gordon Mudrovcic 10, Gareth Neilson 10, Laurence Ogden 10, Harindra Pilapitiya 10, Philip Scot 10, Tracy Shakes-Berry 10, Paul Spicer 10, Kim Whitehead 10

Family points:
Sue Iles 172, Philippa Miller Moore 158, Janine Jeffery 116, Karran Wilson 116, Marianne Hobson 90, Samantha Lynch 90, Chris Scullin 90, Jennifer Todd 90, Angelique De Jong 80, Kath Winn 80, Deepa Peters 70, Evelyn Tate 70, Linda Boertjens 50, Barbara Lokes 50, Shanlee Milner 50, Eileen De Jager 40, Monica Bekker 30, Carol Brown 30, Lesley Donovan 30, Dominque Judeel 30, Trish Marx 30, Murajia Mikaeil 30, Megan Sanders 30, Vivian Decker 20, Katy Williams 20, Alan Berry 10, Kath Burrett 10, Shona Colebrook 10, Melanie Comins 10, Christine Haliday 10, Lyn Hood 10, Cathy Hunter 10, Linda Matthews-Fletcher 10, Julianne Mudrovcic 10, Pamela-Jane Snowden 10, Darrell Whitehead 10, Noeline Williams 10, Anne Wilson 10

Attendance at each organised Club event
(All events: AGM, social, display, competitive)
Place points competing in a Club event – Club and Family Members
E.g. mystery run, treasure hunt, trials-
– First
– Second
– Third
Place points competing in a Club driving skills event – Drivers only
E.g. gymkhana, economy run
– First
– Second
– Third
– Fourth
– Fifth
– Sixth
Organising a Club event 
(Half points each if joint organisation)
Submitting an article 
Original article published in our Club magazine or website
Non-original article published in magazine or website
(Half points each for a joint submission)
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