Well, it was a bleak Auckland morning when some 17 shiny Mercedes cars, including 9 convertibles, turned up at Lloyd Elsmore park. The park had recently been mowed and was doing a good impression of a hay paddock, coating wheels, cars, and shoes with grass.

It was good to see the convertibles trying hard to be “top down” in the morning, but the weather did play a dominant part of the days’ proceedings. After the mist, wind, and rain variously wafted across the park, the tops went up and doors were sealed against the elements.

The Club marquee was erected pretty quickly amid the usual questions and helpful advice from all and sundry:

  • How do we do this?
  • Where does this go?
  • Whats next?
  • Gosh, what do the side panels look like? [Ed comment: exactly! The side panels haven’t been out since …? Cleaning out the trailer doesn’t count.]

Of course, it came into its own as the weather conditions worsened and our Club members and guests hunkered down within its shelter. Taking it down in the rain was another test.

It was good to see some newer members of the Club and their cars turn up. These attracted good attention from the intrepid passersby.

We even had an impromptu display and detailed talk by a local police constable on his body armor, the “kit” that the modern PC carries and how it can be used. He also told us that the Prime Minister was on site but Mr Luxon isn’t a strong Mercedes fan as he didn’t come around our way!

There was a good turnout of fascinating cars to view from all the marques even though the weather probably reduced the absolute numbers of cars and visitors.

Ken West

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