The God of Rain does not drive a Mercedes, or the weather would have been better for the club’s annual Christmas lunch. He did not smile on us at all, but it did not dampen spirits, as we were all determined to have a great time.

Thomas was thanking his lucky stars that there was a large front porch, which he could stand under to keep dry, whilst collecting the money for lunch.

Willy had brought out all the Christmas decorations to really set the scene. The house looked lovely, and was large enough to accommodate the over 45 people who attended.

Lunch arrived at about 1.30, but guests lingered a good while after that. The last ones leaving just before 4pm, with a quick good-bye and a dash to their car, as the rain did not stop for the whole afternoon.
It was great to see some new faces amongst the group, and we hope the new members will come to some more events.

Thank you to Willy and Hein for inviting us to share their house for the day. They coped magnificently with conditions made difficult by the weather, and having their kitchen taken over by the caterers for the day.
We can all maybe look forward to enjoying that splendid deck another time.